Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Analyzing Psy

The music video is very random. In the beginning of the video there is a plane, which made me think that he was travelling to a foreign country. I thought that he might have been going on vacation because it shows him sitting on a beach with a playground. I also noticed him in a sauna, which means he is just relaxing and living a comfortable lifestyle. Other things I noticed were a nice car, a yoga class, a train, and a boat. I think the video is about his life as a rock star, and his ability to get any girl he desires.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Peer Review Anti-Ad Reflections

This peer review went well. It was interesting to read how other people approached the assignment. I was not especially surprised with the suggestions my reviewer gave me to improve my paper. Since I was unsure about how to approach my anti-ad, I just decided to write down everything that I thought was wrong with the advertisement. I also was aware that I need to incorporate a credible source to back up my claims against the advertisement. I do like the whole anti-ad pitching step of this writing process, however I do not feel that I had a sufficient enough time to gather my thoughts and write a rough draft. I am confident that I would have a better basis for my paper had the rough draft been due sometimes next week. This would save me a good amount of time in editing my draft. I do plan on making significant changes to my paper to make it more organized and credible. So far my favorite peer review was the first one because I think working in a larger group gives more opinions about how to change the paper. Also I feel that this first review gave us enough time to write the best paper possible.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Corporate American Flag

This spoof ad is appears to be an normal American flag, however instead of the normal stars, there are logos of companies that are omnipresent in American culture. I believe for one to appreciate this ad, he must be aware of the politics behind it to understand the meaning. An average observer of this ad may just assume that the companies are replacing the stars just because they are popular American companies. However, at a deeper level one may understand that the implications behind these logos. The deeper meaning is that these corporations have taken over the American culture, and has so much money while today many Americans have lost their jobs. In this sense, the logos can symbolize the greed and proportional distribution of wealth in the USA.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Magazine Ad

The Ad in the Sports Illustrated that really caught my attention is the advertisement for Planters peanut butter. In the ad, there are two peanut people and one is firing a banana cannon at the other blind folded peanut who is standing in front of a brick wall. In actuality the image of the ad does not have much credibility, aside from the fact that Planters is an established brand. However the ridiculousness of the image is a good way to grab the reader's attention because it is so unusual and funny and it can appeal to the emotion of the reader. Although the picture does not show that the product has much credibility, the there is a caption at the bottom of the ad that describes the picture. By using descriptive wording that describes the new banana infused peanut butter, the text gives the ad credibility, especially because banana and peanut butter is not an unusual combination. Also the text gives the reader logical reasons to purchase the product because it mentions that the peanut butter is nutritious.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Story Editing

There is nothing like finding out school has been cancelled. Kids all over the United States jump for joy when they find out class has been cancelled for the day and they can just stay home and have a day to do whatever they wish. The process in finding out that school is cancelled plays a huge role in the excitement that goes along with the cancellation of classes. First, the night before you log on Facebook and see all of the generic statuses about how everybody “needs this day off.” Suddenly you get your hopes up, but you cannot let yourself believe it just yet so you return to your homework. After an hour you decide to take the gamble. You decide to neglect the rest of your assignments and watch TV. Before going to bed that night, you have a slightly uneasy feeling in your stomach because you know if school is not cancelled, you might be “screwed.” The moment of truth comes either when your mother wakes you up to tell you school is cancelled, when you take it into your own hands to go downstairs and turn on the television, or when you wake up in the afternoon. Nevertheless finding out that school has been cancelled is quite the relief. But what if finding out that school is cancelled had the exact opposite effect? What if the reason school was cancelled was not just because of the concerns for going outside in unsafe conditions due to the weather? What if the cause of danger was not the weather, but actual people who wanted to kill you? This is the reality for the children of southern Israel. Their school is not cancelled because of inclimate weather, but because of acts of terror from the Gaza Strip. In fact this past week, while everyone in the Northeast was joyful about their classes being cancelled this week due to a hurricane, class was cancelled in the major city, Be’er Sheva, in Southern Israel due to rocket attacks from Hamas, the terrorist organization that controls the Gaza strip. This story is all to common for the children in Southern Israel, and should serve as an example of how lucky we are to be able to walk outside on a beautiful day and attend our classes.

 There is nothing like finding out that school has been cancelled. Kids all over the United States jump for joy when they find out that they have the day to themselves. The process in finding out that school is cancelled plays a huge role in the excitement that goes along with the cancellation of classes.You may find out the night before, or when you wake up early to check the news. You may even find out when you wake up in the afternoon. Nevertheless finding out that school has been cancelled is quite the relief. But what if finding out that school is cancelled had the exact opposite effect? For the children of Southern Israel a clear day can bring the cancellation of class. Instead of weather concerns, terrorist attacks from their neighbors in the Gaza strip are the cause of the cancellation of school. In fact, this past week, while everyone in the Northeast was rejoicing about their classes being cancelled this week due to the hurricane, class was cancelled in the major city, Be’er Sheva, in Southern Israel due to rocket attacks from Hamas, the terrorist organization that controls the Gaza strip. This story is all to common for the children in Southern Israel, and should serve as an example of how lucky we are to be able to walk outside safely to attend school.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Peer Review Feedback

My peer review went exceptionally well.  So far I am confident in my efforts to point out small details in the  Rosie the Riveter icon because, although they may go unnoticed at first glance, there really is a great deal of meaning behind them. An example of this is the small pin on the collar of Rosie the Riveter, and the Michelle Obama version. I am not going to change much about what I have written so far, but it is obvious that I must elaborate on more of my points. For example, I need to incorporate the original Rosie the Riveter into the paper more and make direct connections between that and the Michelle Obama version. I was not confident that I would be able to write enough to reach 7-8 pages, however I feel that if I elaborate more on the points that I already made, and maybe make one more point about the stereotypical roles of women, while providing examples about how Michelle Obama has used her position for the good of the American people then I will have enough words. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Second Draft Responses

I believe that the advice written on the back of my second draft is very helpful. I really felt like I would have trouble writing 7-8 pages analyzing the "Rosie the Riveter" version of Michelle Obama. Ms. Lang suggested that I analyze the original "Rosie the Riveter" first. I am happy that she wrote this because I thought that I had to just stick to analyzing the Michelle Obama version. I feel that if I include analysis about the original poster, I would not only have more to write about, but also I would be able to support my analysis of the Michelle Obama version better. Another suggestion was to avoid stereotypes. While I should avoid stereotypes, I believe a main purpose of the actual icon is to disprove a stereotype and inspire women. For this suggestion, I will ask Ms. Lang to explain a little more about what she means. Overall I am fairly happy with the responses to this second draft. It is reassuring to know that I am on the right track, after a great deal of doubt about how I would approach this paper.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Analyzing "The Starry Night"

In The Starry Night by Anne Sexton, the author finds a sense of the beauty of death through the inspiration of Vincent Van Gogh's painting, Starry Night. She begins by describing the town as "silent" which can infer that she is caught in a moment of tranquility. The recurring idea of death may tell the reader that she may be suicidal, however as one looks deeper into the poem, he sees that she is anything but . Although, she may describe her surrounding in a twisted manner, for example she describes the clouds as "unseen serpents swallowing up the stars," it is quite evident that she really finds the moment she is in quite beautiful. She is so caught up in this beautiful moment that she does not want it to end. However, she is so happy where she is that she would be content with dying right there in the moment.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Second Discovery Draft Peer Review

For my paper, I decided to analyze the popular icon, Rosie the Riveter. At first I thought about taking a more historical approach to the task by analyzing its past significance. However, after discussing this with my classmates and teacher, I decided that it would be better to analyze how the icon is used in today's context. I first must do a little research to see where she is used in popular culture. I chose Rosie the Riveter simply because I feel that she is an omnipresent icon that deserves to be acknowledged at a more deeper level. The question I received while in the peer review was why I decided to choose Rosie the Riveter of all things for my paper.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Awkward Family Photo

This is a photograph of a family of four. Each child is sitting on the lap of his parent. This photo has one main focal point. That is the mother is yawning while the rest of the family has awkward looks on their faces. I believe this photo has a longer story behind it. Clearly this should not have been the photo that the family chose to hang up on their wall in a picture frame. It leaves the observer asking why they did not take another picture. As a son who has taken family photos, I am skeptical of this picture because I know that if my family took a picture like this, my mother would make sure it is never seen.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Introductions and Conclusions

The introduction of my paper begins with a sentence that is relatable to most people. This is a good way to draw in the the reader because one would be more inclined to read something that can pertain to them. I also use a lot od descriptions which can make it more interesting by making it easier for the reader to imagine what it was like for me when i first heard Blink 182. Because my paper is partly a story about my life, my conclusion kind of leaves the reader hanging. The reason I did this is because I am writing about how Blink 182 has influenced me up until now. I also conclude by stating the best lesson I have learned from listening to Blink 182. I believe this puts the paper to rest because I make it evident to the reader once more about the impact that Blink has had on me. According to the handbook the conclusion should answer the question "so what?". I believe in my conclusion I answer the question, by overall reflecting on the lessons that I have learned from the band.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Reflections on the Third Draft Peer Review

This peer review went exceptionally well. I added a lot more to my draft since the last review, in terms of how I analyzed Blink 182’s impact on how I view the world. What I was worried about going into today’s class, was whether or not I analyzed this enough. My peer reviewer actually told me that I did a good job thoroughly analyzing how the band has influenced my life, so I am happy with that. My reviewer, however, pointed out a few parts of my paper that still needed a little more explanation. For the most part, aside from a few small mistakes in my writing, this is what I will mainly focus on changing. I also got a lot out of reading someone else’s draft. Looking at how someone else approached the assignment gave me insight into my own writing, by seeing other ideas and a different style of writing. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Paper Changes

After discussing some of the feedback, and reflecting on our papers, I now have a better idea of how I will further analyze my paper. I now realize that must elaborate more on the story I am telling. I will do this more at the end of my paper as a sort of conclusion analysis. I want my paper to be more about how Blink 182 has influenced my life, and how they have changed while I have changed. I definitely need to elaborate more on the reuniting of Blink 182 and how that came at a very frustrating part of my life. I also need to talk more in detail about how I was influenced as a song writer and singer by Blink 182. Since I do not go into much detail about the Blink 182 shows that I have seen I am going to describe them more in detail, and draw parallels about what I saw onstage, and how I related to their new mature style.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Reflections of a Class Blogger

Blogging about class today was an intimidating, yet very rewarding experience. I made sure to focus in, especially hard, on the class conversation, and the main ideas that the teacher was trying to get across to the class. I thought that this was the most important aspect to pay attention to, because I felt like it was my duty to provide details about class, just in case someone was not there and needed to access the material. I decided to take pictures mainly to add an extra visual affect, and to make my blog seem more appealing to the reader. Being the class blogger changed my perspective of the classroom because it forced me to look at class as more of a story or an adventure than just another class where everyone is just going through the motions. I got a lot out of being the class blogger, and I am glad I had this experience.

Class Blogger for the Day

Today Ms. Lang started class on a light note by asking us what our least favorite color was, as a way to take attendance. It appears that yellow is the popular color to dislike. We then got right down to business and discussed the assigned reading on how to respond to reviewing other peoples’ writing. The talk stressed the importance of constructive criticism, understanding the writer’s goals by having a conversation with the writer, and not worrying about correcting grammar. By the end of the discussion, we were eager and ready to start reviewing what our peers had come up with for our “discovery draft”. After splitting up into groups of three, we took a few minutes to brainstorm questions that we would want our reviewers to respond to. Then, we exchanged drafts and began reading what our classmates had written, while taking ten minutes to talk about what that person wrote. We talked to our peers about how their paper was going to flow, the transitions that they planned on using, and how we could further develop our ideas to make the content of the paper more descriptive and overall better. Of course no class would be complete without writing a blog, so Ms. Lang challenged us to reflect on the writing workshop that we had just participated in, and blog about the feedback we received from our group. We thought about what advice was and wasn’t helpful, and what we will include in our next draft. Overall, class today was devoted to challenging us to think more about the goals of our paper. By working in groups and getting feedback from other people, we were forced to think about our work in a much different perspective. Although this is still part of one of the beginning stages in the writing process, it is certainly a crucial one because it can make the difference in whether the paper is interesting to read, or just another college paper that was written the night before class without much thought. Class concluded with the announcement that our homework is to read an article about identifying plagiarism, which can be found on the class blog.

Ms. Lang teaching us about reviewing drafts:
Students hard at work in the writing workshop:


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Peer Review Workshop

The workshop in class challenged me to apply what I had learned in the reading about peer reviewing and responding to my classmates' papers. I also received a good amount of feedback that will help me to develop my paper. The most helpful comment I received was whether or not I would be able to talk about Blink 182 for 4-6 pages. After thinking about it, I realized this task was definitely possible but would require much further thinking. I realized I had to relate my history with Blink 182 on totally different kinds of levels. For example, I thought about how the cover art has matured as the band has grown older, as well as how their sound has matured. I realized I could relate this maturation to my own experience growing up and going from middle school to high school and then to college. The advice my peers gave me has helped me think about my narrative on a much deeper level, which is exactly what peer responding is all about. My next draft will be much more developed and interesting because of the advice I received from my classmates.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Childhood Heroes

Joan Didion's article about John Wayne not only shows her infatuation with the actor, but also the impact that this man had on her life. As a child Didion admired Wayne's adventourous lifestyle, and calm persona. She writes about her admiration for Wayne's brave character and ability to be a "real man," who can be a provider for the woman. Didion claims to have never found her John Wayne in her own relationships despite her constant search for it. John Wayne also shows Didion what a woman should be, even though some may agee that he portrays woman as inferior to men.

Blink 182 has been in my life ever since I heard the song, "Whats My Age Again" on my brother's CD mix, while riding in the car. Once I heard this song, I knew that I had to hear more from this glorious band. One day after a boring school day in fifth grade, I snuck into my brother's room and came across a Blink 182 CD with a picture of a woman wearing an abundance of makeup, dressed as a sexy nurse. I immediately took this CD into my room and listened to the whole thing straight through. This became an after school ritual of mine. Throughout middle school, my love for  Blink 182 only became stronger. It brought me and my best friend together that fateful night at the sixth grade dance, and inspired me to start a band in highschool. When I received the news that the band had reunited, I was ecstatic and ever since then, I have seen them play live every time they came to Hershey.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

On Shitty First Drafts

Anne Lamott's comical approach to explaining a step in the writing process that every writer must suffer through is actually full of useful advice. She stresses to the reader that the first draft is meant to be "shitty, "and that "all good writers write them." This first version has the right to be unorganized and grammatically incorrect. Lamott provides stories from her own career as a writer to relate to the reader. I had much to think about the essay as a whole. Whenever I have had to write any sort of paper up until now, I was always worried about what I was saying when I had  not even written anything. I now realize this is a major factor that, to an extent, has been crippling my writing.

Nothing makes me more inclined to bang my head against a wall than writing any sort of paper. Before I even start the process I have this dreadful feeling in the pit of my stomach that is telling me that this is going to take a while. After a few minutes of contemplation and mindless Facebook surfing, I begin to write my first sentence. Something about this sentence never seems right, and after another five minutes of butchering, I have, what I feel is, the first sentence of my paper. My writing from here gets a bit easier sentence by sentence. I almost have to warm up. This first sentence is like stretching before going on a long run on a day when all I want to do is be a couch potato. My idea of writing is much worse than the actual process.

I need to warm up before I write. The first sentence in my writing is like stretching before going on a long run on a day when all I want to do is be a couch potato. That is to say that my thoughts about writing are much worse than actually siting down and doing it. Just like thinking about running, or doing any type of exercise on a day when you do not have much energy is far worse than when you are actually at the gym.