Monday, October 29, 2012

Story Editing

There is nothing like finding out school has been cancelled. Kids all over the United States jump for joy when they find out class has been cancelled for the day and they can just stay home and have a day to do whatever they wish. The process in finding out that school is cancelled plays a huge role in the excitement that goes along with the cancellation of classes. First, the night before you log on Facebook and see all of the generic statuses about how everybody “needs this day off.” Suddenly you get your hopes up, but you cannot let yourself believe it just yet so you return to your homework. After an hour you decide to take the gamble. You decide to neglect the rest of your assignments and watch TV. Before going to bed that night, you have a slightly uneasy feeling in your stomach because you know if school is not cancelled, you might be “screwed.” The moment of truth comes either when your mother wakes you up to tell you school is cancelled, when you take it into your own hands to go downstairs and turn on the television, or when you wake up in the afternoon. Nevertheless finding out that school has been cancelled is quite the relief. But what if finding out that school is cancelled had the exact opposite effect? What if the reason school was cancelled was not just because of the concerns for going outside in unsafe conditions due to the weather? What if the cause of danger was not the weather, but actual people who wanted to kill you? This is the reality for the children of southern Israel. Their school is not cancelled because of inclimate weather, but because of acts of terror from the Gaza Strip. In fact this past week, while everyone in the Northeast was joyful about their classes being cancelled this week due to a hurricane, class was cancelled in the major city, Be’er Sheva, in Southern Israel due to rocket attacks from Hamas, the terrorist organization that controls the Gaza strip. This story is all to common for the children in Southern Israel, and should serve as an example of how lucky we are to be able to walk outside on a beautiful day and attend our classes.

 There is nothing like finding out that school has been cancelled. Kids all over the United States jump for joy when they find out that they have the day to themselves. The process in finding out that school is cancelled plays a huge role in the excitement that goes along with the cancellation of classes.You may find out the night before, or when you wake up early to check the news. You may even find out when you wake up in the afternoon. Nevertheless finding out that school has been cancelled is quite the relief. But what if finding out that school is cancelled had the exact opposite effect? For the children of Southern Israel a clear day can bring the cancellation of class. Instead of weather concerns, terrorist attacks from their neighbors in the Gaza strip are the cause of the cancellation of school. In fact, this past week, while everyone in the Northeast was rejoicing about their classes being cancelled this week due to the hurricane, class was cancelled in the major city, Be’er Sheva, in Southern Israel due to rocket attacks from Hamas, the terrorist organization that controls the Gaza strip. This story is all to common for the children in Southern Israel, and should serve as an example of how lucky we are to be able to walk outside safely to attend school.

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