Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Magazine Ad

The Ad in the Sports Illustrated that really caught my attention is the advertisement for Planters peanut butter. In the ad, there are two peanut people and one is firing a banana cannon at the other blind folded peanut who is standing in front of a brick wall. In actuality the image of the ad does not have much credibility, aside from the fact that Planters is an established brand. However the ridiculousness of the image is a good way to grab the reader's attention because it is so unusual and funny and it can appeal to the emotion of the reader. Although the picture does not show that the product has much credibility, the there is a caption at the bottom of the ad that describes the picture. By using descriptive wording that describes the new banana infused peanut butter, the text gives the ad credibility, especially because banana and peanut butter is not an unusual combination. Also the text gives the reader logical reasons to purchase the product because it mentions that the peanut butter is nutritious.

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