Friday, October 5, 2012

Analyzing "The Starry Night"

In The Starry Night by Anne Sexton, the author finds a sense of the beauty of death through the inspiration of Vincent Van Gogh's painting, Starry Night. She begins by describing the town as "silent" which can infer that she is caught in a moment of tranquility. The recurring idea of death may tell the reader that she may be suicidal, however as one looks deeper into the poem, he sees that she is anything but . Although, she may describe her surrounding in a twisted manner, for example she describes the clouds as "unseen serpents swallowing up the stars," it is quite evident that she really finds the moment she is in quite beautiful. She is so caught up in this beautiful moment that she does not want it to end. However, she is so happy where she is that she would be content with dying right there in the moment.

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