Monday, September 24, 2012

Introductions and Conclusions

The introduction of my paper begins with a sentence that is relatable to most people. This is a good way to draw in the the reader because one would be more inclined to read something that can pertain to them. I also use a lot od descriptions which can make it more interesting by making it easier for the reader to imagine what it was like for me when i first heard Blink 182. Because my paper is partly a story about my life, my conclusion kind of leaves the reader hanging. The reason I did this is because I am writing about how Blink 182 has influenced me up until now. I also conclude by stating the best lesson I have learned from listening to Blink 182. I believe this puts the paper to rest because I make it evident to the reader once more about the impact that Blink has had on me. According to the handbook the conclusion should answer the question "so what?". I believe in my conclusion I answer the question, by overall reflecting on the lessons that I have learned from the band.

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