Friday, November 9, 2012

Peer Review Anti-Ad Reflections

This peer review went well. It was interesting to read how other people approached the assignment. I was not especially surprised with the suggestions my reviewer gave me to improve my paper. Since I was unsure about how to approach my anti-ad, I just decided to write down everything that I thought was wrong with the advertisement. I also was aware that I need to incorporate a credible source to back up my claims against the advertisement. I do like the whole anti-ad pitching step of this writing process, however I do not feel that I had a sufficient enough time to gather my thoughts and write a rough draft. I am confident that I would have a better basis for my paper had the rough draft been due sometimes next week. This would save me a good amount of time in editing my draft. I do plan on making significant changes to my paper to make it more organized and credible. So far my favorite peer review was the first one because I think working in a larger group gives more opinions about how to change the paper. Also I feel that this first review gave us enough time to write the best paper possible.

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