Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Reflections on the Third Draft Peer Review

This peer review went exceptionally well. I added a lot more to my draft since the last review, in terms of how I analyzed Blink 182’s impact on how I view the world. What I was worried about going into today’s class, was whether or not I analyzed this enough. My peer reviewer actually told me that I did a good job thoroughly analyzing how the band has influenced my life, so I am happy with that. My reviewer, however, pointed out a few parts of my paper that still needed a little more explanation. For the most part, aside from a few small mistakes in my writing, this is what I will mainly focus on changing. I also got a lot out of reading someone else’s draft. Looking at how someone else approached the assignment gave me insight into my own writing, by seeing other ideas and a different style of writing. 

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