Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Analyzing Psy

The music video is very random. In the beginning of the video there is a plane, which made me think that he was travelling to a foreign country. I thought that he might have been going on vacation because it shows him sitting on a beach with a playground. I also noticed him in a sauna, which means he is just relaxing and living a comfortable lifestyle. Other things I noticed were a nice car, a yoga class, a train, and a boat. I think the video is about his life as a rock star, and his ability to get any girl he desires.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Peer Review Anti-Ad Reflections

This peer review went well. It was interesting to read how other people approached the assignment. I was not especially surprised with the suggestions my reviewer gave me to improve my paper. Since I was unsure about how to approach my anti-ad, I just decided to write down everything that I thought was wrong with the advertisement. I also was aware that I need to incorporate a credible source to back up my claims against the advertisement. I do like the whole anti-ad pitching step of this writing process, however I do not feel that I had a sufficient enough time to gather my thoughts and write a rough draft. I am confident that I would have a better basis for my paper had the rough draft been due sometimes next week. This would save me a good amount of time in editing my draft. I do plan on making significant changes to my paper to make it more organized and credible. So far my favorite peer review was the first one because I think working in a larger group gives more opinions about how to change the paper. Also I feel that this first review gave us enough time to write the best paper possible.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Corporate American Flag

This spoof ad is appears to be an normal American flag, however instead of the normal stars, there are logos of companies that are omnipresent in American culture. I believe for one to appreciate this ad, he must be aware of the politics behind it to understand the meaning. An average observer of this ad may just assume that the companies are replacing the stars just because they are popular American companies. However, at a deeper level one may understand that the implications behind these logos. The deeper meaning is that these corporations have taken over the American culture, and has so much money while today many Americans have lost their jobs. In this sense, the logos can symbolize the greed and proportional distribution of wealth in the USA.